What is the 'Mundane to Magical Summit' series about?

Welcome to the ‘Mundane to Magical’ free online summit, my name is Louise Matson and I am blessed to be your host.

This summit is a culmination of my own spiritual journey and has been created directly from a channeled message I received from spirit.

So what is it about?

You may, like me, have experienced childhood as a completely magical place of limitless possibilities where you could traverse the different dimensions and realities using your imagination alone, and connect and communicate with the magical realms with ease and grace;  Earth Spirits, dragons, fairies, angels and more.

But there came a time in your life where you felt the need to lock all of that magic away deep inside yourself; your gifts, talents and abilities to Channel and heal.  This is what happened to me through fear, fear of not being accepted, not being loved, not fitting in and from that point forth you stepped firmly onto the treadmill of normal daily life and felt your world turning from the vibrant, magical, colourful world to this grey mundane normal daily Grind we all experience as ‘real life’.

But, now more than ever, many people are feeling the pull of their hearts, calling them to reconnect with the magic that is all around them and reclaim the truth of who we all are as creator beings and create the soul-fuelled magical life that your soul came here to experience.

And this is the reason why this summit series has been created.  To assist you on your own journey of soul evolution, by bringing together amazing speakers, experts in their own particular fields of Magic, Spiritual Evolution and Growth.

Bringing you Transmissions, Wisdom, Guidance and Activations during each light-encoded video conversation to assist you to take that leap and reconnect with the magic inside of you, to shift your life back, from the ‘Mundane’ to the ‘Magical’.



Nora WalksInSpirit

Algonquin Shamanic Teacher/Healer – Advanced Telepathic Medical Intuitive Communicator to many Intelligent Light Beings from many Dimensions and Grid Systems Beyond

Davyd Farrell

Quantum Plant Healer, Bard, and Plant Medicine Man.
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Peter Tongue

Master Teacher – Thought Leader who weaves Astrology and The Gene Keys together to unlock the energetic bigger picture

Bella Alvaran

Scientist, Alchemist, Bio-neuro-decoder, and Messenger of Mayan Wisdom

Rebecca O'Reilly

Healer, Teacher and Certified Holistic Nutritionist and Naturopath

Louise Matson

Intuitive Channel – Shamanic Practitioner – Conduit for Energy Healing – Best Selling Co-Author – Wayshower & Spiritual Guide – Host for this summit working to enable people to reclaim their truth as multi-dimensional Beings, and reconnect to the Magic within.