Source Speaks

I have Channeled a More Messages Entitled ‘Source Speaks’  Here is the most recent message from this series and came through on 01/01/2020 ✨✨Change is ALL About Perspective✨✨ This came through me on a walk the other day.   Change is ALL about Perspective   “Change is coming Change is here Change is now How…

Source Speaks

As We Move Into 2020 I have Channeled a Series of Messages Entitled ‘Source Speaks‘  Here are the recent messages from this series. ✨✨ACTIVATE YOUR FREEDOM CODES!✨✨ I received this message from Source yesterday as I was reviewing 2019 and looking ahead to 2020 and how I can shift onto my next highest timelines. The…

✨11:11 Gateway✨

✨✨11:11 Gateway✨✨ ✨✨11:11 Gateway – How was Your journey through the Portal?!✨✨ How has everyone’s 11:11 Gateway been? What you expected? Not what you expected? No matter what your experience KNOW that all is perfect and in perfect timing. For me the gateway was intense on a physical level. it took me to many extremes,…