Meet Suffering With Grace!

✨✨Meet Suffering with Grace!✨✨ “Suffering is Grace” Richard Rudd, The 22nd Gene Key I have recently reconnected with the Gene Keys ‘Seven Sacred Seals’ program and the first seal to work with is Grace. I happen to have the 22nd Gene Key of Grace in my holographic profile (visit https://genekeys.comto receive a free holographic profile)…

Feeling Stuck?

✨✨Some realisations around ‘Feeling Stuck’!✨✨ Clients often complain to me that they feel stuck and in fairness I too have felt ‘stuck’ many times in my life. But I feel it important to understand what this feeling is really about so that we can call it out when necessary or shift our perception of where…

Go With Your Flow In Each NOW Moment!

✨✨It’s ok to change your mind!!✨✨ Perception is key to how we experience our reality. I’ve had an interesting weekend, not at all as I had anticipated it would be but wonderful and insightful in its own way. And EXACTLY what I needed in this NOW moment. As you know if you have been following…

We Don’t Walk this Path Alone!

✨✨We don’t walk this path alone – take the opportunities that you heart is providing!✨✨ Yes we are all individuated divine sparks of the all that is.   Yes we are constantly connected to the collective consciousness and as such, yes we have access to all knowledge and wisdom.   But we are not here…