Please Scroll Down to See The Full Spectrum of Gifts on Offer!

Nora WalksInSpirit
Shape Shifting Into Oneness
A 1 hour Audio Recording enabling you to shift into Oneness
Channelled Activation from Nora’s Live Call
Personal Infinite Master Session
40 Minute Personal Healing & Teaching Session via Skype
Your Session begins with the Heightened Vibrations of STILLNESS as the Light Languages delivered elevates your Consciousness, clearing your heart and mind.
A Scan, cleansing/clearing/purifying of your Aura Fields and all Chakras of the body.
A Teaching and understanding of any low Vibrations trapped in the cellular memory of the Body/Mind/Soul will be revealed then released.
Any questions, healings and gifts requested will then be delivered by the Infinite Masters beautiful Light Vibrations poured into the Activation then completely Sealed
Value: $200
Your Price $175
Discount: 13% – YOU SAVE $25

Peter Tongue
Peter has generously provided a a meditation as his free gift for the Mundane to Magical Community.
Shedding the Old to Welcome in the New!
Private 1:1 Gene Keys Spiritual Counselling Session
PACKAGE includes:
- Introductory Video to help you navigate your Golden Path (20mins)
1hr Private 1:1 Session on Your Personal Gene Key Profile
Value: $140.00
Your Price $111.00
Discount: 21% – YOU SAVE $29.00

Louise Matson
Activate Your Freedom Codes
A channelled activation to reconnect you beyond the artificial holographic source field to the pure source field so that your soul signatures can feel ready to fully release themselves from any and all contracts consciously or unconsciously made, at any level, any timeline, any reality that is holding you back, from being free to be the ALL that you are.
Louise Matson
This activation came through as a channelling during the impromptu session yesterday 7th October as Nora WalksInSprit was unable to attend her scheduled live call.
This activation connects to your healing teams to provide specific healing and activation within your own fields. During this activation you will connect to both the source fields above and below anchoring into the higher timelines and becoming balanced and aligned to your internal crystalline matrix to enable you to maintain a balanced energy field as we traverse the intense energies that are being experienced in the physical field.
Package A
A 60 Minute Personal Healing & Guidance Session via Zoom targeting the root cause of any blocks and/or feelings of ‘stuck-ness’ to enable you to shift up to your next highest level and shine the light of your heart brightly.
After the session you will receive an audio recording of the session to refer back to at any time.
Value: $140
Your Price $111
Discount: 21% – YOU SAVE $29
Package B
Mastering Your Energy Field
A 4 Part LIVE webinar series to share the importance of an awareness of yourself as more than your physical form and channeled guidance on how to manage your entire energy field.
- In these times of darkness learn the importance of being your own lighthouse
- Learn the energetic structure of your light body
- Learn and practice techniques to clear, balance & align and ground your field
- With live changelings and healing activations
The Webinar Series includes:
- Channelled Information
- Channelled Healing Activations
- Opportunities to Ask Questions & Give Feedback
- A pdf booklet of the channeled information
- Access to Recordings of the LIVE Calls
Value: $650
Your Price $200
Discount: 69% – YOU SAVE $450